Peterborough SEO Services

get found on Google

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
To put it simply, search engine optimization is the process of making your website appear closer to the top of search results for terms relevant to your business. The higher up that your site ranks on search engine results, the higher the chances are that a searcher will visit your website.

For example, if you search Google for SEO Peterborough you will find us! 95% of users do not search beyond the first page of search results! So it is very important that your website is ranked high. We can help get your site or business listed on page 1 of google search results for the search terms that will most likely convert into customers for your particular business.

What are some of your SEO methods?
While we can’t go into great detail on what exactly it is that we do to improve your search engine page rank, we can tell you a few of the basic steps that we will take.

1.) Keyword Analysis.
The first step is to sit down with our client and determine which keywords we want to target. For example, if you have a lawn maintenance business we will probably want to analyze keywords such as “lawn maintenance peterborough” or “lawn care peterborough”. We will then perform a keyword analysis that looks into the number of times each month these specific keywords are searched for on Google. Once we determine the most searched for keywords relating to your business we will analyze the competition to see how much work it will take to get your site listed #1 for our chosen keywords.

2.) Website Optimization
The next step is to make sure that your website is SEO friendly and is optimized for our chosen keywords. There are hundreds of on-page factors that Google takes into consideration when looking at how to rank a website. We know exactly what to look for and how to best optimize your site for our targeted keywords.

3.) Link Building
The last step is to begin building backlinks to your site. Link building is one of the biggest keys to SEO. We have some excellent methods on getting your site linked on other websites which will help improve your rankings over time.

How will I know if it’s working?
The proof is in the pudding! Your phone will ring more often and more customers and leads will be coming to your website as a direct result of our services. You can also do a search yourself and see your website ranking high for the keywords we’re targeting.